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Another Course Bites the Dust

Nutr-122 (Intro to Biochemistry)- Completed. This was a solid re-introduction to general chemistry/biochemistry done through the University of Bridgeport. The biochemistry really provided a great opportunity to “get my toes wet” with the underlying events that take place internally when the body interacts with basic nutrients. It was a tough course but worth it. -Michael…

Understanding the Complexity of Obesity

One hundred years ago, processed foods were minimal, mostly in the form of alcohol and breads. In the present day, societies contain many forms of processed products. Moreover, processed food is a dominant form of sustenance both in high-income and middle-income countries such as the United States (Monteiro, Moubarac, Cannon, Ng, & Popkin, 2013). With…

Low Carb Diets and Metabolic Syndrome: Can They Optimize Health?

Modern Western diets derive approximately 70% of total daily energy from refined carbohydrate sources such as sugar, vegetable oils, processed foods, and alcohol (Ilich, Kelly, Kim, & Spicer, 2014). In contrast, during the paleolithic era (over 11,000 years ago) individuals consumed over 73% of total daily calories from animal sources (Cordain, Miller, Eaton, Mann, Holt,…

Academic Foundations: Exploring Exercise Science Programs

In this author’s last post, the benefits of licensure in the exercise profession was explored. A requisite of licensure included an undergraduate degree in exercise science, in addition to a clearly set list of standards and guidelines to abide by. It is this author’s contention that the content of exercise science degrees should also be…

Tendinopathy: Characteristics, Causes, and Treatments

Tendinopathy is characterized as an overuse injury, occurring in close proximity to the tendinous regions of muscle bellies (Andres & Murrell, 2008). Unlike tendonitis, which is characterized by inflammatory markers, tendinopathy has minimal-to-no inflammation present (Andres & Murrell, 2008; Mayo Clinic, 2016). Thus, it is imperative to discern the two pathologies and appropriately characterize the…