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Urolithiasis and Nutrition: Exploring the Relationship

Calculi, commonly known as stones, can form anywhere along the urinary tract; a condition known as urolithiasis (Reisner & Reisner, 2017). Stones are characterized by high concentrations of uric acid or calcium salts, and emanate from three primary factors: high concentrations of salts in the urine, infection of the urinary tract, and urinary tract obstruction…

Another Course Bites the Dust

Nutr-122 (Intro to Biochemistry)- Completed. This was a solid re-introduction to general chemistry/biochemistry done through the University of Bridgeport. The biochemistry really provided a great opportunity to “get my toes wet” with the underlying events that take place internally when the body interacts with basic nutrients. It was a tough course but worth it. -Michael…

Academic Foundations: Exploring Exercise Science Programs

In this author’s last post, the benefits of licensure in the exercise profession was explored. A requisite of licensure included an undergraduate degree in exercise science, in addition to a clearly set list of standards and guidelines to abide by. It is this author’s contention that the content of exercise science degrees should also be…